3-Part Sex Education Case Study

Sex Education Typographic Case Study

This Sex Education case study is a three-part campaign to promote comprehensive sex education curriculum within school systems at three different age groups. The goal is to be able to find solutions to this topic through typographic means for varying age ranges. This set of deliverables provides cohesive learning material throughout childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood.

In addition to the design solutions, a research paper was written to provide further understanding, background, and detailed information about topic research. This paper can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

Part 1: "Let's Chat" Guidebook for Kids

The first aspect of this project is a children’s guidebook dedicated to teaching children about the first level of sex education while still ensuring age appropriate and important concepts. This guidebook can be provided to schools and homes that give children an opportunity to learn a little bit more about their bodies, relationships, consent in platonic relationships, as well as how to ask questions about their bodies.

The second solution is a poster designed for classrooms in middle school and early high school. This poster gives information on consent and coercion, contraception, STIs, as well as sexual orientation and gender identity. These topics relate more to the experiences that young teens will have and prepares them for the years to come.

Part 2: "Real Talk" Classroom Poster

The third and final solution to this case study is a social media campaign that is designed for older teens and young adults to prepare them for their college experiences and other adult moments. This campaign is honest and straight forward, in hopes of relating more with the experiences people this age may face.

Part 3: "Adult Sh*t" Social Media Campaign

Case Study of Comprehensive Sex Education

Sexual education is a topic that has been heavily debated throughout the past few decades. As the world continues to develop a more open mind and become available to more discussion, sexual education has been put on blast as one of the most controversial topics regarding children and teens. This paper was written to provide context for the importance of incorporating comprehensive sex education into all stages of education from elementary school to high school and beyond.



The Rainy Ladle


Jersey Design